Structure Workshop Series
Please fill out this form to get involved in a series of workshops to bring Frontloading's ideas & design around hub structure! There will be 8-10 workshops available going over the Structure Content and space to provide some initial feedback. In March we'll hold a larger workshop after folks have had time to process and discuss in their hub spaces on what works and what would need to change to meet hubs needs. A separate team will integrate the changes and craft a better structure design that will move forward into ratification for our movement to vote on it.
The other option will be to host a hub visit and have the Structure team bring the content into your hub space to work through and you'd also be welcome at the March workshop to provide final feedback.

Either course you choose, the more hub members are able to attend with you and get familiar with this DNA content the better!

1st Workshop Feb 24th 6-8 ct/7-9 et 
2nd Workshop Feb 26th 1-3 ct/2-4 et

In order to schedule workshops that allow for the diversity of availabilities we carry across the movement, we'd love your input on availability in order to better schedule these. Holding the goal of doing earlier recruitment so folks can plan around these spaces in advance more.

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How are you interested in engaging with the Structure Workshop Series? *
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First and Last Name *
What hub are you with
Phone Number *
Slack Handle
Email Address
Do you have any input or hot takes on how you'd like to see the process of engaging with this content unfold? Welcome questions, concerns, advice, aspirations.
We're still scheduling when these workshops would be and would love to take your availability into account. Please share some info about when you would be able to attend workshops. (ex: weekday evenings, saturdays after 2pm...etc)
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